Dragon Robot 1.0
This is my first attempt at building a robot form scratch. Hopefully by starting this project, it will give me the incentive I need to follow through. My son started me on this journey. Wish me luck.
I haven't decided on the final look of the dragon, but I need a foundation to build uppon. Building a skelleton seemed like an obvious solution to this problem. I don't expect this to be an exact replica of a dragon skelleton, but rather something to model my support structure from.
I love polymorph plastic, if for no other reason than it's WAY cheaper than buying a 3d printer. Of course I do like sculpting and this stuff is great for that too.
Progress has been slow due to work and family life, but it's progress none the less. Soon to come is the breastplate and shoulders. Not sure how this will come about, but I will think of something.
Shoulder Attachment:
I still have no idea how I'm going to attach the legs, but I can't do much without shoulders.