Dog-bot. Walking robot dog controlled by Bluetooth

Posted on 21/04/2020 by Apacheplayer
Modified on: 17/05/2020
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Robot dog. 3D printed. Controlled by Bluetooth  along with automatic moves arising from collision detection.



Inspired by Opencat robot. Re-designed body parts to make dog much larger and to be able to use MG996R servos. Re-design done in Tinkercad and  printed using Prussa Mk in PLA.

Just 4 M3 bolts hold robot together along with servo fittings.

Controlled by Bluetooth using ArduinoBlue and iPhone. Lie-down, sits , stands, walks forward, backwards as well as left and right using Bluetooth control. When walking selected has ultrasonic detection to stop and consider whether to go forward, backwards, left or right automatically. 

Video is first run with the dog-bot. Walking mode now much improved.

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