Posted on 03/06/2012 by markusb
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Update 05/06/2012 Voice recorder board finished and assembled. The loudspeaker (0.5 W/8Ω) is from an old toy, came in nicely in a small plastic box, which covers the speaker and improve the sound (soundbox). Some basic programming done, see video DOC_0002.     This is one of my projects, I wanted to share with you before I am going to holiday. Inspiration for the robot was the DRK8080 from Doctor robot, hence the name DOC. So far I have finished the 5 DOF robot head. The head was partly ...


Update 05/06/2012

Voice recorder board finished and assembled. The loudspeaker (0.5 W/8Ω) is from an old toy, came in nicely in a small plastic box, which covers the speaker and improve the sound (soundbox). Some basic programming done, see video DOC_0002.



This is one of my projects, I wanted to share with you before I am going to holiday. Inspiration for the robot was the DRK8080 from Doctor robot, hence the name DOC. So far I have finished the 5 DOF robot head. The head was partly designed with Google Sketchup, mainly to avoid faults in construction. I can only recommand this, even your robot is much simpler from the mechanical point of view. Tools and materials I have used:


  • Cordless drill/various metal drills
  • Cordless Dremel clone with various tools
  • File
  • Sanding paper (various grain sizes)
  • Tin snips
  • Several pliers
  • Steel rule
  • Try square
  • Circle
  • Scissors
  • Squared timber (to bend the aluminium)
  • Clamps
  • Mini tubing cutter
  • Propyl alcohol (for cleaning)
  • Aluminium sheet, thickness 1 and 1.5 mm
  • M3/M2 screws and nuts, washers and snap rings
  • Ø 8 x 3 mm bearings (supplied usually with C-servo-brackets)
  • Common servo-C-bracket
  • Servo mounting bracket
  • Tiny casters for the pan unit
  • 2-component epoxy glue (for the eyes and holding the bearings in place)
  • Super glue (to fix components before drilling and secure nuts on moving connections)
  • Table tennis balls (for the eyes)
  • 1 Tower Pro SG-90
  • 2 Tower Pro SG-5010
  • 2 Tower Pro MG-995
  • Plastic tube, outer diameter equal to the pupils diameter
  • Ø 3 x 4 mm stainless steel tube
  • Color print/carton/transparent duct tape for the pupils
  • Plastic and metal spacers, various sizes

Roams around, seeking for humans, tries to interact with them

  • Actuators / output devices: LEDs, loudspeaker, LCD, 5 DOF robot head, 2 continuous rotation servos (Tower Pro MG-995)
  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: Several Picaxe 28X2 modules
  • Operating system: Windows 7
  • Power source: 7.4V/4800 mAh Li-Po
  • Programming language: Picaxe basic
  • Sensors / input devices: Sharp IR, microphone, accelerometer, PING, PIR, touch sensors
  • Target environment: indoors
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