dimble xf

Posted on 09/10/2009 by dimbleswishblade
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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hello , this is my first robot , it is intended to be a long term project  kinda like CtC s WALTER , so far i only have the motors and motor drivers . motor drivers : i got 2 of these http://secure.oatleyelectronics.com//product_info.php?cPath=94&products_id=206&osCsid=741a01630f6850aa2b9303828e35c098 their from oatley electroincs -a fantastic australian site .i have built 2 of the boards and tested 1 ,it works !! but so far it is controled by a trim pot . heres a couple of pics of the ...

dimble xf

hello , this is my first robot , it is intended to be a long term project  kinda like CtC s WALTER , so far i only have the motors and motor drivers .

motor drivers : i got 2 of these http://secure.oatleyelectronics.com//product_info.php?cPath=94&products_id=206&osCsid=741a01630f6850aa2b9303828e35c098 their from oatley electroincs -a fantastic australian site .i have built 2 of the boards and tested 1 ,it works !! but so far it is controled by a trim pot .

heres a couple of pics of the drivers being built:


and one of the motors : there windscreen wiper motors my dad got them for free!!

(sorry if this should be a blog). more to come

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