Delta robot with three arms

Posted on 02/07/2011 by aggrav8d
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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All my projects & progress are available at This version of the Delta3 is complete. I have mounted it upside down in a box and added a pen to make it a plotter. I could add a dremel to make it a 3-axis CNC or a reprap nozzle to make it a 3d printer. It has fewer parts than most 3-axis CNC and can be very accurate. I have deprecated this project and now offer a newer version with better, affordable parts on my website.

Delta robot with three arms

All my projects & progress are available at

This version of the Delta3 is complete. I have mounted it upside down in a box and added a pen to make it a plotter. I could add a dremel to make it a 3-axis CNC or a reprap nozzle to make it a 3d printer. It has fewer parts than most 3-axis CNC and can be very accurate.

I have deprecated this project and now offer a newer version with better, affordable parts on my website.

Moves in three axis

  • Actuators / output devices: 3 towerpro sg5010 metal-geared servos
  • Control method: keyboard
  • Operating system: Arduino
  • Power source: 5v2a for servos, USB for arduino
  • Programming language: C++
  • Sensors / input devices: arduino input
  • Target environment: arduino
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