DAGU Robot Arm with Roboduino Control through keyboard

Posted on 12/05/2011 by anas
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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DAGU Robot Arm with Roboduino Control through keyboard

It is the Same DAGU arm in the prevous posts, but the controller is now different. The controller board is Roboduino (http://www.emartee.com/product/41952/Roboduino%20With%20Atmega328%20(Freeduino)) with atmega8 processor. 

the picture below shows the connections:

- key board is connected to digital pins 2 and 9

-the 6 arm servos are connected to digital pins 3 - 8



the processor i used is atmega8 since it was enough for the application and easier to program in my computer.

  • Actuators / output devices: Two servos modified for continuous rotation
  • Control method: Arduino ( Roboduino)
  • CPU: Atmega8A
  • Operating system: Aeduino NG
  • Power source: 7.5DC
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