
Posted on 17/04/2010 by eckern
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Curl is a small mobile robot designed to implement simple autonomous obstacle avoidance behaviors and to be easily expandable. It is cylindrical, 5 inches diameter, 6 inches tall, and weighs 2 lbs. It is powered by a rechargeable battery and driven by two DC motors. It has infrared and sonar navigational sensors and is controlled by three networked microcontrollers. Curl is named for the sport: round, boring, and usually doesn't go where you wanted it to. As of 2010-04-03 this project is a work-in-progress; ...


Curl is a small mobile robot designed to implement simple autonomous obstacle avoidance behaviors and to be easily expandable. It is cylindrical, 5 inches diameter, 6 inches tall, and weighs 2 lbs. It is powered by a rechargeable battery and driven by two DC motors. It has infrared and sonar navigational sensors and is controlled by three networked microcontrollers. Curl is named for the sport: round, boring, and usually doesn't go where you wanted it to.

As of 2010-04-03 this project is a work-in-progress; the initial hardware is nearly complete but there is much code to be written.

There's much more info on its website; I'm not going to copy it all here.

navigate, avoid obstacles

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 Maxon servo motors
  • CPU: Atmel AVR mega644 (2x), mega1284 (1x)
  • Power source: 9.6v 2200 mAh NiMH
  • Programming language: C
  • Sensors / input devices: Sharp IR, sonar
  • Target environment: indoor
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