CrazyFlie NanoQuadrotor w/Portable RPi Base Station
The CrazyFlie Nano-Quadrotor is a Micro-Quad/development platform. Everything from the PCB diagram to the PC-Client to the radio is based on open source components. While still very very early in development, the Bitcraze development team is a near-perfect example of open hardware best-practices in action. They have a well-organized product-wiki- which is frequently updated with suggestions, hacks and mods culled from an active user-forum- The Crazyflie is operated from a "CrazyRadio" USB Dongle attached to a PC running the client software with native support for a PS3 Gamepad. Getting it up and running on Ubuntu was simple as can be, but it wasn't long before the PC started to get in the way. Enter the Raspberry Pi! Following these instructions for running the Headless PC-Client on the Raspberry Pi ( I was able to get it up and running through the command line. After some difficulty getting the program to start automatically with SSH, I eventually found success following the autostart method outlined in this slideshare- Adding a USB Battery-Backup and an old Wii carrying-case, I now have myself a fully-portable RC base station for the open source quadrotor! All thats left to do is to find a workable microcamera to mount and the best is yet to come!