Crazy Robot

Posted on 06/01/2009 by mahziron12
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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1st Stage - Robot Platform This is my first robot. I use arduino Decimila for the brain and Tamiya twin motor gearbox. Sensor is Sharp IR connected to a servo.  At this moment it is an obstacle avoidance robot.The robot will be use as a base for the later stage of my work. Already i have some problem with the robot. It seem that arduino seem to go crazy when i use battery to power it. I dont know what the prolem is. I am thinking maybe because i am using only a single 9v battery to power both the ...

Crazy Robot

1st Stage - Robot Platform

This is my first robot. I use arduino Decimila for the brain and Tamiya twin motor gearbox. Sensor is Sharp IR connected to a servo.  At this moment it is an obstacle avoidance robot.The robot will be use as a base for the later stage of my work. Already i have some problem with the robot. It seem that arduino seem to go crazy when i use battery to power it. I dont know what the prolem is. I am thinking maybe because i am using only a single 9v battery to power both the arduino and the motor.  


 2nd Stage (

Here, My plan is to make a wireless control robot using a pair of xbee for data transfer and  put a camera on the robot. For the camera, i will be using my e51 mobile phone to send images via bluetooth and can be viewed on the computer using free wwigo software.The reason is i cant afford to buy CMU cam.  I am waiting for my scholarship allowance to buy the arduino with xbees.


3rd Stage(Ideas)

I've been thinking  maybe i could get roborealm software to grab  the video from wwigo application and do some motion tracking with it. I have downloaded and test the roborealm software. So far the roborealm has been working well but i need to learn more. I've also tried to get the Roborealm to grab the feed from wwigo. So far no success yet. Any ideas are welcome.



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  • Actuators / output devices: one servo &Tamiya twin gearbox
  • Control method: kinda autonomous
  • CPU: Atmel 168
  • Operating system: Arduino Diecimila
  • Power source: 9V
  • Programming language: C
  • Sensors / input devices: Sharp GP2D120 IR sensor
  • Target environment: indoor
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