
Posted on 27/02/2011 by mfourlover
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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clp-tp is a fictional character from borderlands, i decided to make real. i have a sheet metal shell that looks like a pyrimid with the tip cut off at 4 inches.he s not going to move so idecided to put a laptop in him for a mc.there will be a motin sensor that trigers a video to play on the computer for audio from in game. -/ means complete sheet metal shel -/ motion sensor installed software download


clp-tp is a fictional character from borderlands, i decided to make real. i have a sheet metal shell that looks like a pyrimid with the tip cut off at 4 inches.he s not going to move so idecided to put a laptop in him for a mc.there will be a motin sensor that trigers a video to play on the computer for audio from in game. -/ means complete sheet metal shel -/ motion sensor installed software download

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