Clone of stEve

Posted on 12/04/2015 by markcra
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Based on an earlier robot design, stEve, which was built from balsa wood and designed to fit within a metal sweets tin (helpfully in the shape of a robot). Clone of stEve was designed to be easily assembled, of a size and shape to suit a simple shell (Pringles can) and most importantly cheap. The workshop for which it was designed, Arduino with Motors, gives a brief introduction to the different types of motors and discusses how they can be interfaced with an Arduino. This robot steps in as a way ...

Clone of stEve

Based on an earlier robot design, stEve, which was built from balsa wood and designed to fit within a metal sweets tin (helpfully in the shape of a robot). Clone of stEve was designed to be easily assembled, of a size and shape to suit a simple shell (Pringles can) and most importantly cheap. The workshop for which it was designed, Arduino with Motors, gives a brief introduction to the different types of motors and discusses how they can be interfaced with an Arduino. This robot steps in as a way to put the theory into practice and each of the participants programmed their clone to drive the stepper motors as fast as possible (without stalling, the motors are not blessed with an abundance of torque) and set up to head towards the brightest light. They then raced their robots down a corridor towards a desk lamp. Built from laser cut acrylic with integral clips wherever possible to save on mechanical fixings. Stepper motors are 28BYJ-48 5v geared 64:1 and supplied with a ULN2008 driver board.

Laser cutter file preview
Designed in AutoCAD the file (available on GitHub) should be laser cut from 3mm acrylic.

clones frolicing during a photoshoot.

Breadboard for power distribution and two voltage dividers

Circuit diagram

Provides hands-on experience using motors during an Arduino workshop

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