Cerverus v3

Posted on 24/02/2011 by dan
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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My third robot I have ever built. He did origionally have a pan head using a Spektrum DS821 Servo, but as I have found that I can get better results from using 2 x SRF05's in CrossFire mode, im going to go back to that method for the object avoidance and use the servo for a camera or something along that lines Im thinking. 26/02/2011 - Got the new DFRobot Sensor mounting plate through the post, a bargain I must say. <P>A few more pictures are below. <P> http://www.storage.saveitwith.us/HomeDirectories/Dan/Cerberus%20v3/IMAG0201.jpg</BR> http://www.storage.saveitwith.us/HomeDirectories/Dan/Cerberus%20v3/IMAG0202.jpg ...

Cerverus v3

My third robot I have ever built. He did origionally have a pan head using a Spektrum DS821 Servo, but as I have found that I can get better results from using 2 x SRF05's in CrossFire mode, im going to go back to that method for the object avoidance and use the servo for a camera or something along that lines Im thinking. 26/02/2011 - Got the new DFRobot Sensor mounting plate through the post, a bargain I must say. <P>A few more pictures are below. <P>


http://www.storage.saveitwith.us/HomeDirectories/Dan/Cerberus%20v3/IMAG0202.jpg </BR>



Ultrason Navigation using SRF05

  • Actuators / output devices: Tank Tracks, Spektrum DS821 Servo
  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: ATmega1280
  • Operating system: Arduino Mega
  • Power source: 6 x AA for Motors, 1 X 9V PP3 for Arduino
  • Programming language: Arduino
  • Sensors / input devices: SRF05 Ultra Sound
  • Target environment: indoor
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