Celestial Navigation Drawbot

Posted on 06/08/2013 by ollyr
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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An idea! So i have been off the game for a short while, having worked my polargraphic plotter as far as my capabilities allow (at the moment at least) https://www.robotshop.com/letsmakerobots/node/35846 but having watched you guys crack on with the "doodlebot" competition, my head has been whirring around. I never got sorted with some dead reckoning on my platform, so havent bothered to enter, but this got thinking of different approaches! https://www.robotshop.com/letsmakerobots/node/35071 My cyclops ...

Celestial Navigation Drawbot

An idea!

So i have been off the game for a short while, having worked my polargraphic plotter as far as my capabilities allow (at the moment at least)


but having watched you guys crack on with the "doodlebot" competition, my head has been whirring around.

I never got sorted with some dead reckoning on my platform, so havent bothered to enter, but this got thinking of different approaches!


My cyclops build, uses a single Photoresistor, mounted on a XY axis servo head, to define the direction of a light source, rather than comparing multiple LEDs. It populates a light level for each servo position, then works out the strongest direction. it can also estimate distance by the height of the light source!

I wonder if, in a dark room with a single light source (placed to one side of the work area i suspect would work best), the bot could use this light source to keep track of its location? (think sextants and naval navigation)

What do you reckon?!

(The title picture is currently setup with a black/white differentation board. It bounces around the paper, which gets boring REALLY quickly, but it does show my "pen tube")

Also, needs a catchier name!




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