CD Cart

Posted on 31/05/2008 by TheOther1
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Parts list: *  Arduino Diecimila*  Sharp GP2Y0A21YK0F Distance Sensor      Pin 1 => Analog 2      Pin 2 => Gnd      Pin 3 => +5V*  1K 5% resistor (Brown Black Red Gold)*  T-1 3/4 5mm Full Color LED (Radio Shack part #276-028)      Pin 1 => Digital 9      Pin 2 => 1K resistor => +5V      Pin 3 => Digital 10      Pin 4 => Digital 11*  Pololu dual serial motor controller      Pin 1 => +9V      Pin 2 => GND      Pin ...

CD Cart

Parts list:

*  Arduino Diecimila
*  Sharp GP2Y0A21YK0F Distance Sensor
      Pin 1 => Analog 2
      Pin 2 => Gnd
      Pin 3 => +5V
*  1K 5% resistor (Brown Black Red Gold)
*  T-1 3/4 5mm Full Color LED (Radio Shack part #276-028)
      Pin 1 => Digital 9
      Pin 2 => 1K resistor => +5V
      Pin 3 => Digital 10
      Pin 4 => Digital 11
*  Pololu dual serial motor controller
      Pin 1 => +9V
      Pin 2 => GND
      Pin 3 => +5V
      Pin 4 => Digital 2
      Pin 5 => Digital 7
      Pin 6 => Left motor +
      Pin 7 => Left motor -
      Pin 8 => Right motor -
      Pin 9 => Right motor +
*  GWS mini servo
*  Old CD
*  Double sided foam tape
*  9V battery + case

This is just a simple obsticle avoiding robot.  I used a CD as the base.  Components are attached with double sided foam tape.  Seems to work well enough.

avoid obsticles

  • Actuators / output devices: Pololu dual serial motor controller, Solarbotics GM10
  • CPU: Arduino Decimila
  • Power source: one 9V battery for MCU and IR
  • Sensors / input devices: Sharp GP2Y0A21YK0F IR sensor
  • Target environment: indoor flat surfaces
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