
Posted on 15/10/2012 by fifer253
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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   Bunker is a small house bot that I am developing (altho, the developement has stalled somewhat as i moved on to other things. When some of my other projects are compleat, I hope to add some more functionality) so far I have been able to make him avoid running into things, and if he does, detect it and take evasive action, and follow lines using a homemade line sensor board. Motor control is via a L298 motor control board, and I also use the current sensing feature to see if it has run ...



 Bunker is a small house bot that I am developing (altho, the developement has stalled somewhat as i moved on to other things. When some of my other projects are compleat, I hope to add some more functionality) so far I have been able to make him avoid running into things, and if he does, detect it and take evasive action, and follow lines using a homemade line sensor board.

Motor control is via a L298 motor control board, and I also use the current sensing feature to see if it has run into anything. The shell is made from a large amount of k'nex octogons stacked on top of each other and bolted together with 1/4 in bolts and nuts.

at some point I will hopefully develop a way to find a home base and dock there for self charging. the base is strong enuf to carry a netbook or laptop, so I could have a nice web based telepresence robot once the docking feature is built.


a closeup of the inverter gate used to drive the L298 board, only 4 pins are used on the microcontroler, 2 for each side's direction, and 2 for each side's speed/enable.

Avoids running into things and follows lines

  • Actuators / output devices: Roomba motors/wheels, servo for head turning
  • CPU: Picaxe 40X2
  • Power source: 2x 11.1 v lipo packs in parallel
  • Programming language: Picaxe basic
  • Sensors / input devices: 3 QRD1114 reflectance sensors for line following, Maxbotics LV-EZ1
  • Target environment: indoor
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