Building a sumo robot for a competition this october.

Posted on 19/09/2018 by nschreiber0813
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Hello all! I have been working on a sumo robot since early september to enter in a Sumo competition for this October. For more information on how I am building it check this out.

It has been a lot of fun! All the parts have been 3D printed by my personal 3D printer. Thanks!

My first few prints were the chassis bottom. It didn't come out very nice but it seemed like it would work despite the asthetics. The bottom frame came out with ridges and lines all across it. After removing supports from it I then went to printing the other pieces. I printed all the required pieces in the instructables link and I had a few defects in the print. The sumo bumper had a ton of skipped stepps for reasons that are probably due to my belts being tight but it seemed like it would work with the help of some sanding.

I added two buttons as was instructed in the tutorial I am following. I hotglued batteries to the top of the robot for convience and soldered a male barrel jack to it and put blue painters tape around it instead of electrical tape. I put the HCSR04 sensor into the holder on the robot and didn't put anything on it to hold it in place. That shouldn't be a problem because there should be no reason for it to go out of place. 

In progress...

In progress...

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