
Posted on 06/05/2009 by ruzzz
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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My first attempt at a robot and will not be my last. Why didnt anyone tell me it is this much fun ? Based on 2 photos of "stomper". I went to my local hardware shop and bought a 2M length of 10mm angle ali and a 1M length of 8mm round ali and some nuts and bolts. 5 Hours later with another trip to get some more nuts and bolts, the hardware was finished. I had a couple of servos lying around and have been getting into PICAXE programming so I had a couple of AXE020 boards also. I pinched ...


My first attempt at a robot and will not be my last. Why didnt anyone tell me it is this much fun ?

Based on 2 photos of "stomper". I went to my local hardware shop and bought a 2M length of 10mm angle ali and a 1M length of 8mm round ali and some nuts and bolts. 5 Hours later with another trip to get some more nuts and bolts, the hardware was finished. I had a couple of servos lying around and have been getting into PICAXE programming so I had a couple of AXE020 boards also. I pinched a servo and the ultrasonic sensor from my eldest, who is doing a computer science degree and had them for a project ( he wont notice ).

I have a CNC Mill that once I get working ( I'm having trouble with the z-axis ) I'll make a version out of clear acrylic using micro servos.

For more photos of the construction and the finished bot goto :-




just walks at the moment avoiding objects

  • CPU: Picaxe 28A
  • Power source: 4 AA Ni-MH batteries
  • Sensors / input devices: SRF05 Ultra Sound
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