Budget Robot based on the Propeller Quickstart

Posted on 11/02/2013 by oldbitcollector
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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The goal here was to create a as functional a Propeller robot as possible for less than $50.  The Bluetooth capability pushes it over the $50 mark, but I thought it was a feature that was worthwhile for someone beginning in robotics.  I was able to adapt a mini-BASIC to run over the Bluetooth connection which accepts BASIC programs like this one. 10 FORWARD 15020 PRINT HCSR0430 IF HCSR04 < 150 THEN BACKWARD 20030 IF HCSR04 < 150 THEN RIGHT 25040 GOTO 10

Budget Robot based on the Propeller Quickstart

The goal here was to create a as functional a Propeller robot as possible for less than $50.  The Bluetooth capability pushes it over the $50 mark, but I thought it was a feature that was worthwhile for someone beginning in robotics.  I was able to adapt a mini-BASIC to run over the Bluetooth connection which accepts BASIC programs like this one.

10 FORWARD 150
30 IF HCSR04 < 150 THEN BACKWARD 200
30 IF HCSR04 < 150 THEN RIGHT 250
40 GOTO 10

Program in BASIC via Bluetooth connection, wander aimlessly.

  • Actuators / output devices: Two 5v Stepper Motors
  • Control method: Semi-autonomous, Bluetooth
  • CPU: Parallax Propeller
  • Power source: 4-AA Batteries
  • Programming language: Propeller Spin / BASIC
  • Sensors / input devices: IR, HC-SR04
  • Target environment: indoor
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