BRC Beginners robot chassis

Posted on 06/09/2010 by faris
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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This is BRC, a line following and obstacles avoiding robot made for the Beginners robot chassis challenge.   Parts used: * 1x DAGU Beginners robot chassis. * 1x Arduino duemilanove * 1x Arduino proto shield * 1x L293D motor drive chip * 1x 9V battery * 1x 3 AA batter pack and 3 AA batteries (I found a good spot under the chassis to hold the battery pack) * 1x Micro servo * 5x Pololu Sharp IR Distance Sensor GP2Y0D810Z0F (these sensors are super awesome for line following, they give a reading ...

BRC Beginners robot chassis

This is BRC, a line following and obstacles avoiding robot made for the Beginners robot chassis challenge.


Parts used:

* 1x DAGU Beginners robot chassis.

* 1x Arduino duemilanove

* 1x Arduino proto shield

* 1x L293D motor drive chip

* 1x 9V battery

* 1x 3 AA batter pack and 3 AA batteries (I found a good spot under the chassis to hold the battery pack)

* 1x Micro servo

* 5x Pololu Sharp IR Distance Sensor GP2Y0D810Z0F (these sensors are super awesome for line following, they give a reading above 800 on any dark black object. In this case its the black tape)

* and lastly, one good old SRF05 Ultrasonic range finder.


Additional parts:

For the head I used a SRF05 mount which I made a while a go using perspex sheets (same thing with the line following sensors). I also used my decision maker board (which I made in high school) for some cool lights. Thats all, and some Lego parts offcourse :)




NOTE: I am a picaxe user, it will take me some time to get used to the Arudino programming structure. This is my first code in Arduino after blinking an LED. If you think my code need to be improved, or if you have anything to say about it. By all means, please leave me a comment below :)






















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