BoxBot(Panda Edition)

Posted on 16/07/2008 by panda13oy
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Hey Im ted, 14, and im making my first bot, im thinking about making just a small square bot with treads, and i would like to make it an R/C, i dont know how i would do the R/C cuz im new and i dont know what it costs we are low on funds at the moment Thanks Panda13oy

BoxBot(Panda Edition)

Hey Im ted, 14, and im making my first bot, im thinking about making just a small square bot with treads, and i would like to make it an R/C, i dont know how i would do the R/C cuz im new and i dont know what it costs we are low on funds at the moment

Thanks Panda13oy

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