BotKropny, the ugly light-seeking robot

Posted on 25/04/2009 by totoroyamada
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Beleive it or not, that thing without real shapes is a robot! It's my first attempt to make a bot with a brain, a picaxe 18X. He moves with 2 home-made continuous rotation servos that are concealed into an old modem case. Add some Meccano to hold the batteries and the LDR, the first piece of plastic i found in my garbage as a third wheel, and a lot of electric tape...  The video is pretty crappy, but i just have my phone to film -_-v This robot was supposed to have 2 bumper switches, hence the ...

BotKropny, the ugly light-seeking robot

Beleive it or not, that thing without real shapes is a robot! It's my first attempt to make a bot with a brain, a picaxe 18X.

He moves with 2 home-made continuous rotation servos that are concealed into an old modem case. Add some Meccano to hold the batteries and the LDR, the first piece of plastic i found in my garbage as a third wheel, and a lot of electric tape...

 The video is pretty crappy, but i just have my phone to film -_-v

This robot was supposed to have 2 bumper switches, hence the Meccano pieces on the front, but since i got a lot of new stuff, and plenty of ideas, he's condemned to death... sorry dude, i like you but i need your brain... (and that's also why the code has more things that he needs)

And thanks to everybody for answering my questions (and generally speaking, for the motivation!), and special thanks to... the fucking manual ^_^v

seeks light, is ugly

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 continuous rotation servos
  • CPU: picaxe 18x
  • Power source: 4 AA Ni-MH batteries
  • Programming language: Picaxe basic
  • Sensors / input devices: 2 LDR
  • Target environment: indoor
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