
Posted on 21/05/2010 by rodrim
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Hi, BlueFarAway is my first attempt of building a robot. It´s like a playground where I can experiment. I got an Arduino for another purpose and wondered how far could I go by using recycled parts, and that became the main objective of this robot. Build it as cheap as possible by using recycled things. So BlueFarAway has 2 geared motors and wheels borrowed from toys, a chassis made of a CD case box, a ball caster made with mini skate wheels, battery holders from other toys and a dual H-Bridge ...


Hi, BlueFarAway is my first attempt of building a robot. It´s like a playground where I can experiment. I got an Arduino for another purpose and wondered how far could I go by using recycled parts, and that became the main objective of this robot. Build it as cheap as possible by using recycled things.

So BlueFarAway has 2 geared motors and wheels borrowed from toys, a chassis made of a CD case box, a ball caster made with mini skate wheels, battery holders from other toys and a dual H-Bridge made of old electronic components. Even the rechargeable batteries are old!!

Even though it works and it´s pretty fast (faster than I´d like her to be). I´m building (and struggling with) line sensors with old TIL 99 phototransistors and “who knows” photodiodes. But´s part of the fun J. If testing succeeds I´ll be adding homemade IR sensors for obstacles so it becomes autonomous.

Here are some Photos:

Buttom View

Buttom View

If you happen to be an ant, this would be yours perpective:

Ants View

Kind regards,



  • Actuators / output devices: 2 geared motors
  • Control method: non-autonomous so far
  • CPU: Arduino Duemilanove (328)
  • Power source: 7.2V NiMH for Logic & 4.5V for motors
  • Sensors / input devices: home made sensor WIP
  • Target environment: indoor
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