Bluebot-L (about to retire)

Posted on 30/11/2011 by romilly
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Bluebot-L (about to retire)

The design of the base is terribly flawed, but everything else works well :)

The base is much too long, and there are two sets of batteries at each end. This has two bad consequences: the robot has a high moment of intertia, and a small change in direction moves the light sensors too much.

As a result the robot over-corrects and hunts. I'm going to wheel it out for one last run so that I can create a video record, and then it will be retired to be reborn once I have made a new, more sensible base.

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  • CPU: atmega328
  • Power source: 2 x 4 AA cells
  • Programming language: Arduino sketch
  • Sensors / input devices: Handbuilt triple IR reflectance sensors
  • Target environment: indoor
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