
Posted on 18/03/2010 by frankfiles
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Hi, This is my first post to this forum, maybe time to let you see my robotic project.Five months ago i planned to make a two wheeled balancing platform.I wanted to make something with a n old asus eeepc, two usb i/o cards, imu sensors (adxl203,adxrs300), home brew motor drivers and some nimh batteries.And this is the first result of my work: (my kids call it bliepbot) I had some problems with finding motors.On the video i use cheap chinese motors ...



This is my first post to this forum, maybe time to let you see my robotic project.
Five months ago i planned to make a two wheeled balancing platform.
I wanted to make something with a n old asus eeepc, two usb i/o cards, imu sensors (adxl203,adxrs300), home brew motor drivers and some nimh batteries.
And this is the first result of my work: (my kids call it bliepbot)

I had some problems with finding motors.
On the video i use cheap chinese motors bought on ebay. (lot of sound, to many backlash, no encoders).
Later i tried emg30 motors. (unsuccessfull, plastic gearwheels broke on tuning pid).
Now i ordered the 'Parallax Motor Mount and Wheel Kit with Position Controller'.
I am looking forward on recieving the Kit.

regards frank,


--- update 24/3/2010

Today i recieved the Parallax motor and wheel kit.

i like to share some pictures of it:

next step is to place them under bliepbot, make some finetuning and implement the position feedback,

to be continued...

Balancing on two wheels,

  • Actuators / output devices: High Torque DC 12V 160RPM Gear Motor bought from victorstudio on ebay
  • CPU: Asus Eeepc 900 - Celeron 900Mhz
  • Operating system: windows XP
  • Power source: 14 x 1.2V Mimh batteries 4000mAh
  • Programming language: Delphi 5
  • Sensors / input devices: IMU 2DOF ADXL203/ADXRS300 (sparkfun)
  • Target environment: In and Outdoor
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