Black Box (Maze Solving)... now scrapped

Posted on 27/03/2013 by drewtoby
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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This is a front wheel drive and rear wheel turn maze robot. The "mouth" is it's one touch sensor. Although it is fast and maneuverable, it could not make it up a 30 degree incline, so I had no choice but to scrap it ;( My 2 working maze robots will be posted soon, as well as my mini sumo!

Black Box (Maze Solving)... now scrapped

This is a front wheel drive and rear wheel turn maze robot. The "mouth" is it's one touch sensor. Although it is fast and maneuverable, it could not make it up a 30 degree incline, so I had no choice but to scrap it ;( My 2 working maze robots will be posted soon, as well as my mini sumo!

solves mazes

  • Control method: arduino!
  • Power source: 3 nimh/nicd about 7 volts, 8 AA
  • Sensors / input devices: 1 tactile sensor
  • Target environment: flat surface (no angles/ramps)
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