Black Bart

Posted on 25/04/2011 by alamorobotics
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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4/25/2011 - Got bored over the weekend and since I had some 22-gauge steel, modified servos and a set of wheels laying around I decided to start another mini-sumo robot. Not sure what processor to use yet. I have a BS2px module and an Arduino Duemilnove in my parts box, but I really like the uBotino. I guess I'll have to get some sensors together before I have to make a decision, so here are a couple of pics of the progress so far.  I borrowed some design elements from ...

Black Bart

4/25/2011 - Got bored over the weekend and since I had some 22-gauge steel, modified servos and a set of wheels laying around I decided to start another mini-sumo robot. Not sure what processor to use yet. I have a BS2px module and an Arduino Duemilnove in my parts box, but I really like the uBotino. I guess I'll have to get some sensors together before I have to make a decision, so here are a couple of pics of the progress so far. 

Parts on hand

I borrowed some design elements from some sumos I've seen on the is what I ended up with after a couple of hours effort. Just needs some paint and the rest of the parts.

Test fit chassis parts

Pushes other robots out of a ring.

  • Control method: Full autonomous
  • Target environment: on a dohyo(sumo ring)
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