Big Eight (disasembled)

Posted on 08/12/2010 by bittybot
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Update: using parts in another robot! this is my first robot. very simple. sings "jingle bells" and dances.   code ;First Codemain:high 4pause 1000low 4pause 1000high 0pause 1000low 0pause 100high 4pause 1000low 4pause 1000'JingleBellstune 1, 7,($7C,$79,$79,$39,$79,$79,$39,$79,$40,$75,$77,$F9,$7A,$7A,$7A,$7A,$7A,$79,$79,$79,$79,$77,$77,$79,$37,$00)goto main right now only one both motors work. the motor drivers are ULN2803A IC from mouser. The gear motors are GM7s from solarbotics. the wheels ...

Big Eight (disasembled)

Update: using parts in another robot!

this is my first robot. very simple. sings "jingle bells" and dances.



;First Code
high 4
pause 1000
low 4
pause 1000
high 0
pause 1000
low 0
pause 100
high 4
pause 1000
low 4
pause 1000
tune 1, 7,($7C,$79,$79,$39,$79,$79,$39,$79,$40,$75,$77,$F9,$7A,$7A,$7A,$7A,$7A,$79,$79,$79,$79,$77,$77,$79,$37,$00)
goto main

right now only one both motors work. the motor drivers are ULN2803A IC from mouser. The gear motors are GM7s from solarbotics. the wheels are from my rc plane that my dad crashed. :D

Update: he fell apart! geting a better brain and motor drivers. it will be a line follower/ Maze solver robot.


  • Actuators / output devices: gearmotors
  • CPU: picaxe 08M
  • Programming language: Picaxe basic
  • Sensors / input devices: none yet
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