
Posted on 19/01/2015 by daveminecraftian
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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I've been viewing Jaidyn Edwards (ChickenParmi) robot 'PopPet and it has inspired me to create Berty. Berty will be powered by 2 Li-Po batteries and 2 constant rotation servos for drive. I am deciding to buy another uno or nano as my other robot Herman is permanently keeping my original uno. I will add some other capabilities such as line following and voice control later on down the line. Happy robot making LMR! =UPDATE= New face plate as the old one was snapped. Also added a block on the back as ...


I've been viewing Jaidyn Edwards (ChickenParmi) robot 'PopPet and it has inspired me to create Berty. Berty will be powered by 2 Li-Po batteries and 2 constant rotation servos for drive. I am deciding to buy another uno or nano as my other robot Herman is permanently keeping my original uno. I will add some other capabilities such as line following and voice control later on down the line. Happy robot making LMR!


New face plate as the old one was snapped. Also added a block on the back as a caster.

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