Bender - the line following robot

Posted on 25/11/2009 by adamh
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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This robot is a line follower for ISTROBOT competition (   It's brain is ATmega16 AVR connectable to the PC via Bluetooth - this allows to have the board programmed wirelessly via AVR109-based bootloade or to run some nice rbot monitoring and controling program on the PC or a mobile phone. Line sensor is made of 5 QRD1114 reflectance sensors, the robot has also one GP2D120 IR ranger with analog output mounted on a microservo.    The gear is modified kit from ...

Bender - the line following robot

This robot is a line follower for ISTROBOT competition (


It's brain is ATmega16 AVR connectable to the PC via Bluetooth - this allows to have the board programmed wirelessly via AVR109-based bootloade or to run some nice rbot monitoring and controling program on the PC or a mobile phone.

Line sensor is made of 5 QRD1114 reflectance sensors, the robot has also one GP2D120 IR ranger with analog output mounted on a microservo.


 The gear is modified kit from our local robot store (in the Czech republic). Motors are driven by L293D.


More info on my website - :-)

The attached video shows one of the first test with line senro - now it uses PID regulation which looks much better.



Avoids obstacles, follows the line

  • Actuators / output devices: two geared motors
  • Control method: Bluetooth
  • CPU: ATmega16 AVR
  • Power source: 6× AAA cells or 12V adapter
  • Programming language: C
  • Sensors / input devices: GP2D120 IR
  • Target environment: indoor
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