B.bro 1.1

Posted on 29/09/2012 by sailindaze
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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This robot is named for the main character in the song "Baby Brother" by the White Stripes, although I have yet to get it to crawl on the ceiling, swim underwater, or fly. He does track to light nicely, and with his whiskers avoids most obstacles. His brain is a PIC 16F684 micro-controller programmed in assembly language. The power supply is boost-regulator and motor control is a dual H-bridge, both purchased commercially. The motor brackets and wheels are also commercial parts and the rest is ...

B.bro 1.1

This robot is named for the main character in the song "Baby Brother" by the White Stripes, although I have yet to get it to crawl on the ceiling, swim underwater, or fly. He does track to light nicely, and with his whiskers avoids most obstacles. His brain is a PIC 16F684 micro-controller programmed in assembly language. The power supply is boost-regulator and motor control is a dual H-bridge, both purchased commercially. The motor brackets and wheels are also commercial parts and the rest is surplus and recycled scrap all put together with point to point wiring on perf-board. He's about 75 mm in diameter and about 60 mm tall to the top of his eyes.

Draws interesting patterns using light sensitive behavior.

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 mini dc gear motors
  • Control method: fully autonomous
  • CPU: PIC 16F684
  • Operating system: N/A
  • Power source: 2 AAA cells through a boost regulator
  • Programming language: Assembler
  • Sensors / input devices: Whiskers, light sensitive resistors
  • Target environment: dedicated robot playground
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