
Posted on 30/07/2015 by debike69
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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The robot is controlled in this way we also, when we want to move along a specified line. Whether it followed, or as shown in lines (black szigetelőszallag taped) within an area bounded by. Unfortunately, this robot is very rude to the mechanics and regulation is inadequate. They are noticeable in the video, unfortunately sometimes goes beyond the tape. The LDR is a component that turns light resistance. The tape is not reflected back but this could be a very smooth glossy surface or table top is ...


The robot is controlled in this way we also, when we want to move along a specified line. Whether it followed, or as shown in lines (black szigetelőszallag taped) within an area bounded by. Unfortunately, this robot is very rude to the mechanics and regulation is inadequate. They are noticeable in the video, unfortunately sometimes goes beyond the tape. The LDR is a component that turns light resistance. The tape is not reflected back but this could be a very smooth glossy surface or table top is white and clear surfaces as well. Two IC comparator receives and compares the reference voltage at the input and the output switch accordingly. Which then directs the robot through the central controller.

The AVR complete the LDR robot equipped with a photo resistor.

Optical gate made of the LDR photoresistor.

The panel comparator, which compares the input signal levels and adapted to switch the input ATMEGA16.

The complete line permanently mounted robot.

ATMEGA16, LDR, Following line control robot

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