Autonomous Rover

Posted on 23/10/2015 by griz11
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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This is a robot I'm working on. Has a Zed depth camera for SLAM Also has Lidar Lite. RoboClaw motor controller and 2 nvidia Jetson boards. Also GPS and an IMU unit. All the tubing is carbon fiber the rest is aluminum parts from Actobotics. Jetsons are running Ubuntu and ROS. Just fired up the motors tonight for the first time. Had one wired backwards of course :) But outside of that all is well. Just learning ROS so its slow going right now. Having to hack a driver I found for the roboclaw to work ...

Autonomous Rover

This is a robot I'm working on. Has a Zed depth camera for SLAM Also has Lidar Lite. RoboClaw motor controller and 2 nvidia Jetson boards. Also GPS and an IMU unit. All the tubing is carbon fiber the rest is aluminum parts from Actobotics. Jetsons are running Ubuntu and ROS. Just fired up the motors tonight for the first time. Had one wired backwards of course :) But outside of that all is well. Just learning ROS so its slow going right now. Having to hack a driver I found for the roboclaw to work with my set-up.



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