Automatic Cat Feeder

Posted on 14/11/2012 by sillycrackers
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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I know this isn't really a robot but it's similar. I have wanted to do this project for awhile now but just found the time recently. I thought that making an automated cat feeder would both increase my knowledge in electronics/programming and relieve me from the task of feeding my bottomless pit cat. I got this idea off of a video on YouTube. The feeder will consist of a Zevro dry food dispenser from Walmart, unipolar Sanyo stepper motor, msp430 Microcontroller, LCD display, custom PCB, stepper driver ...

Automatic Cat Feeder

I know this isn't really a robot but it's similar. I have wanted to do this project for awhile now but just found the time recently. I thought that making an automated cat feeder would both increase my knowledge in electronics/programming and relieve me from the task of feeding my bottomless pit cat. I got this idea off of a video on YouTube. The feeder will consist of a Zevro dry food dispenser from Walmart, unipolar Sanyo stepper motor, msp430 Microcontroller, LCD display, custom PCB, stepper driver board from old office printer, 12V power supply and a few other components.

Automatically dispenses cat food, Able to change settings such as amount of food dispensed and also the time it is dispensed in the day

  • Actuators / output devices: Sanyo Denki 2.5 amp Unipolar Stepper motor
  • Control method: Microcontroller
  • CPU: Msp430g2553
  • Operating system: N/A
  • Power source: 12v
  • Programming language: C
  • Target environment: indoor
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