Attiny Can Robot
After a few failed projects I finally wanted to build something that just works. So I am using parts of the code from my Attiny biped robot ( and some continous rotation servos to build a small IR controlled can-shaped robot.
The new code is already running on an Arduino, just need to change a few lines and flash it to an Attiny85.
There are just four 3D printed parts for the body and the wheels, connected by screws. The heavy components like servos and battery are in the lower half so the robot should alway stay level.
To do:
- porting the code to an Attiny85
- soldering
- printed parts for the upper and lower half
Parts are printed, everything is soldered and programmed. I had to use tons of hot glue to fit the components inside .
There still is a problem with the weight distribution. I put a piece of lead in the front but that didn't make it much better. As long as it works and looks nice I don't think i'm going to change much.
Files are on thingiverse for anyone interested: