Ant Rover - Wifi controlled robot rover

Posted on 24/09/2015 by xmindz
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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About This is a Raspberry Pi powered robot rover that can be controlled with an Android device in the same Wifi network. It can move forward, backward and sidewise. The rover has a Raspi Cam on it which streams video to a Windows computer. Software On the rover: A java application which is connected to a computer (Server) in the Wifi network. It receives commands from the server computer and activates the GPIOs. The SignalR Java client is used for real-time communication. On Server: IIS Web server ...

Ant Rover - Wifi controlled robot rover


This is a Raspberry Pi powered robot rover that can be controlled with an Android device in the same Wifi network. It can move forward, backward and sidewise. The rover has a Raspi Cam on it which streams video to a Windows computer.


On the rover: A java application which is connected to a computer (Server) in the Wifi network. It receives commands from the server computer and activates the GPIOs. The SignalR Java client is used for real-time communication.

On Server: IIS Web server hosting an ASP.Net web application which serves as a middleman between the rover and the Android device. SignalR hubs handle the real-time communication.

On the Android device: An Android app with a few control buttons that lets you control the rover remotely in the same network.


On the rover:

  • Raspberry Pi2
  • L293D Motor Driver
  • ADATA PT100 Powerbank
  • 2x DC Motors
  • Raspi Camera

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Can be driven around with an Android device, streams video to the host computer

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