Another First Robot based on fritsl design

Posted on 18/05/2008 by Nicola
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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    Here's my first robot :) It's based on fritsl design. The differences are that it doesn't have a servo (it always looks forward) and has 2 touch sensors just in front of the weels so that if it bumps on something, it goes a little back and turn away. Also, it's not held together by tape, but with a solid structure based on nuts and bolts (as you can see from the pictures) and CD plates. A wooden cube is the main attachment for all parts. I like this design becouse it's completely disassemblable, ...

Another First Robot based on fritsl design



Here's my first robot :) It's based on fritsl design. The differences are that it doesn't have a servo (it always looks forward) and has 2 touch sensors just in front of the weels so that if it bumps on something, it goes a little back and turn away.

Also, it's not held together by tape, but with a solid structure based on nuts and bolts (as you can see from the pictures) and CD plates. A wooden cube is the main attachment for all parts. I like this design becouse it's completely disassemblable, nothing is permanently attached. Also, it's quite strong.

Now i'm gonna add an ultraluminous led to act as a spotlight :)

UPDATE: I added the ultraluminous led! It make a very bright light cone, give great effect when the robot turns :)  The led is mounted on the head near the IR sensor, along with it's resistor. It's actually connected to G and V, since i don't have a transistor lying around, so it's always on then the robot is on.

I added a couple of pictures, a video with the LED on, and the complete source code (nothing fancy there).

From above


The back of the robot

The head with the brand new LED :)

Description of the parts, wheels removed


Source Code 


pause 2000 ' wait to put the robot down :)

    ' full forward
    gosub fwd_right
    gosub fwd_left

    gosub read_dist
    if w1 > 200 then
        sertxd("Dist is ",#w1,", switching to evade", 13,10)
        random w0 ' choose which side, randomly
        if b0>120 then
            gosub evade
             gosub evade2
    if pin0 = 1 then
        gosub hit_right 'right bumper hit
    elseif pin3 = 1 then
        gosub hit_left 'left bumper hit
goto main

    'left bumper hit!
    sertxd("hit left", 13,10)
    gosub bck_right ' go very little backward
    gosub bck_left
    pause 250

      gosub bck_right ' turn very little to the opposite direction
      gosub fwd_left
    pause 250

    'right bumper hit!
    sertxd("hit right", 13,10)
    gosub bck_right
    gosub bck_left
    pause 250

      gosub fwd_right
      gosub bck_left
    pause 250

    gosub fwd_right ' turn one side
    gosub bck_left
    gosub read_dist
    if w1 > 140 then
        goto evade ' if still close to something, keep turning
    sertxd("Dist is ",#w1,", switching to main", 13,10)

    gosub bck_right
    gosub fwd_left
    gosub read_dist
    if w1 > 140 then
        goto evade2
    sertxd("Dist is ",#w1,", switching to main", 13,10)

    ' make average of two reads
    ' hoping to remove some disturbance
    readadc10 4, w2
    readadc10 4, w3
    let w1 = w2+w3
    let w1 = w1 / 2
    sertxd("#A:",#w1,";", 13,10)

    low 4
    high 5

    low 6
    high 7

    high 4
    low 5

    high 6
    low 7

low 4
low 5

low 6
low 7

navigate via IR sensor and touch sensors

  • Actuators / output devices: SBGM9
  • CPU: Picaxe 28x1
  • Power source: 4x1, 2 AA battery
  • Programming language: Basic
  • Sensors / input devices: Sharp IR, microswitch touch sensors
  • Target environment: indoor flat surfaces
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