Posted on 10/11/2010 by jeeg
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Hey there, ALB-E it's a small and autonomous Arduino robot builted on iPhone package as chassis.I've used two Tamiya sport wheels linked on a two GM9 motors with 90° axis and one casterball. Its head consisting of a microservo and SRF05 ultrasonic sensor to avoid obstacles: For the next step I wont donate ALB-E an arm and two LED controlle dby a photoresistor.  


Hey there,

ALB-E it's a small and autonomous Arduino robot builted on iPhone package as chassis.
I've used two Tamiya sport wheels linked on a two GM9 motors with 90° axis and one casterball.

Its head consisting of a microservo and SRF05 ultrasonic sensor to avoid obstacles:

ALB-E Head

For the next step I wont donate ALB-E an arm and two LED controlle dby a photoresistor.


Navigate around avoidance object via ultrasound sensor

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 motors, one servo
  • CPU: Arduino Duemilanove
  • Power source: 2 9 volt batteries
  • Sensors / input devices: SRF05 Ultra Sound, 1 photoresistor
  • Target environment: indoor
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