A simple Light-seeker . exam project

Posted on 30/06/2011 by alex920a
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Hi guys! this is my first robot project and it's a simple "light-seeker". i used an arduino uno board and a motor shield from adafruit. the base is done with pieces of Lego. The wheels and the motor gears are from tamiya. i used also two buttons for turn on/off both logic and motor shield. Hoping you like it!!:)

A simple Light-seeker . exam project

Hi guys! this is my first robot project and it's a simple "light-seeker". i used an arduino uno board and a motor shield from adafruit. the base is done with pieces of Lego. The wheels and the motor gears are from tamiya. i used also two buttons for turn on/off both logic and motor shield. Hoping you like it!!:)

Follows the light

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 * 1:120 ratio Tamiya gears
  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: arduino uno
  • Operating system: Macintosh OSX
  • Power source: 4, 9V for logic, 4.8VDC battery pack for motor Shield
  • Programming language: C Wiring/assembler - Arduino
  • Sensors / input devices: LDRs
  • Target environment: indoor
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