Posted on 16/10/2008 by thrawne
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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TYVM LMR for the great Instructions and content. I am looking forward to my next project =)  First step into robotics with Fristsl PICAXE bot. Basic chassis complete (tamiya track & wheel set/universal plates/dual motor gear box, Sharp IR, PICAxe28X1, a servo).                                                Had to redesign when I had everything ready to assemble. Hopin for ...


TYVM LMR for the great Instructions and content. I am looking forward to my next project =) 

First step into robotics with Fristsl PICAXE bot. Basic chassis complete (tamiya track & wheel set/universal plates/dual motor gear box, Sharp IR, PICAxe28X1, a servo). 
























Had to redesign when I had everything ready to assemble. Hopin for the cute WALL-E style, but cheesed out in the end.


 Oh yeah, Smokes, RedBull, and a soldering iron =) doesn't get much better.




















Navigate via IR, change direction

  • Actuators / output devices: Tamiys Twin Motor Gear Box
  • Control method: Completely automagic.
  • CPU: Picaxe 28x1
  • Power source: 4-AA (6V)
  • Sensors / input devices: Sharp IR
  • Target environment: indoor
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