555 Timer Light Seeking Robot

Posted on 10/08/2014 by kidrobotmaker
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Alright so this is my first robot that can actually do something other than moving forward that doesn't require an arduino. all you pretty much need is : 2 555 timers, 2 photo resistors, 4 10k ohm resistors, 2 geared motors, a bunch of jumper wires, etc... So since this my first robot without an arduino to program it, its the best robot out there BUT it certainly gets the job done. Hope you enjoy and please if have any advice to give me pease right it down in the comments please... okay anyways this ...

555 Timer Light Seeking Robot

Alright so this is my first robot that can actually do something other than moving forward that doesn't require an arduino. all you pretty much need is : 2 555 timers, 2 photo resistors, 4 10k ohm resistors, 2 geared motors, a bunch of jumper wires, etc...

So since this my first robot without an arduino to program it, its the best robot out there BUT it certainly gets the job done. Hope you enjoy and please if have any advice to give me pease right it down in the comments please...

okay anyways this robot is actually very cheap because it only requires a few parts and all the parts can be found in most electronic stores. here's where i got mine : http://abra-electronics.com/ 

Light Seeking

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