3 Servo Hexapod
Hi All,
This is my first ever working arduino hexapod.
Hardware used:
Beetle(Arduino Leonardo)mcu from dfrobot.com
3 x 9g servo from hobbyking
300mah lipo from hobbyking
Sharp IR sensor
Piano wire
Shrink tube for feet
Double sided tape
Rubber bands
- the software/code is from the 'Insectbot Hexa' from dfrobot.com
The look of the hexapod was inspired from 'Robot Beetle Ringo' hexapod from instructables.com The video shown is unmodified insectbot hexa code. I'm planning to add 2 LDR's by next week to include light following action. This is my first taste of arduino and loving it so far. I've decreased the sensor distance, made minor changes to the code regarding its walking speed, increased the range of motion to the middle leg resulting in a better gait. Hopefully this will show on my next video post.
Detects an obstacle in front, reverses, turns around then walks the other way.