Yotaro: a bright baby for Japanese couples

Posted on 10/03/2010 by vabry in Humanoids
Yotaro Robot According to the Sydney Morning Herald, the Japanese have just pushed the boundaries of the imagination back a little further in terms of robotics with the creation of a humanoid baby robot called Yotaro. Its purpose? To boost births in Japan. The baby's face is made of translucent silicone and is equipped with chubby cheeks and blue eyes. The face changes colour and lights up according to its mood. Yotaro moves like a real little baby when you touch him thanks to its many sensors. Unusually, it can even have a runny rose! Parents then have to clean him to keep him happy. Laid down in its bed, the robot is linked to a PC behind it which shows its emotions. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KORaNvRkE5k http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Co0lKpr2RJ8
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