Virtopsy Virtobot: the robot that performs autopsies without incisions

Posted on 12/03/2010 by vabry in Medical
Virtobot Virtopsy laboratory for the Medical-Legal Institute of the University of Berne in Switzerland, has developed Virtobot, a robot capable of conducting autopsies on cadavers without opening them up. According to, the device, in addition to this feat, makes it possible to retain autopsy data for years , and to reopen the file if necessary, especially in the case of police investigations. The medical examiner's conducts his/her autopsy from a computer screen. The robot's process uses magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) providing a 3D image of the organs. Virtobot was first used in conjunction with the U.S. Army to conduct autopsies systematically on all fallen soldiers. Virtopsy's technology makes it possible to know what happened when a person dies, for example if the person received a bomb fragment in certain organs. Video footage showing the approach used:
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