Tetris Bot: a Lego Mindstorms Robot that plays Tetris

Posted on 22/04/2010 by vabry in Prototypes
The best Tetris players now have competition from this Lego robot that plays the Tetris game all on its own. Branislov Kisacanin has created a robotic player prototype with the help of Mindstorms parts, a webcam and a computer. A Texas Instruments DSP board (TI DM6437 DSP board) decrypts what happens on the screen and then communicates with the Mindstorms NXT robot through LED lights. The Tetris Bot types all by itself using the keyboard's number pad (up to 3 keystrokes per second) to guide Tetris shapes in the right direction. This prototype is still only at the experimental stage and can't perform as well as regular Tetris players but give it a little time and it could well impress us in the next few months. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wY83EaE7svA via crunchgear
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