TankPitStop: the Robot that acts as a gas pump

Posted on 19/05/2010 by vabry in Prototypes
Gas Pump Attendant Robot In the Netherlands, some robots are already replacing gas pump attendants. The robot's code name: Tank Pit Stop. So, you no longer need to leave your vehicle; it's a little like the drive-in at fast-food restaurants :-) This robot was invented in 2008 and costs 75 000 euros. Its effectiveness lies not just in the fact that it can gas up your car, but also that it's able to open and close the fuel filler cap autonomously. See the website of the Dutch company which develops this product: tankpitstop.nl. Also: a video of the robot in action below. Gasoline Robot http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gPqDGrHQoM sources: reuters + edmonton journal
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