Skateboard Segway with two wheels by XenonJohn

Posted on 23/03/2010 by vabry in Prototypes
Skate Segway Yesterday we were telling you about Make Faire 2010 in Newcastle, Great Britain, and a certain Skateboard on two wheels. Its designer, XenonJohn, has just provided all the instructions for making one on his instructables page. He says he's been inundated with emails and requests, as many from those wanting to try it out as those wanting to know how to build a similar one. This skateboard only has two central wheels (or even only a big one in the center) and travels by itself like a Segway by adjusting its center of gravity and balancing itself. The direction and the movement are controlled by a hand-held remote control that the skater holds. The equipment will cost you less than $450 US + batteries. The Skate-Segway works with an Arduino microcontroller. To get the code you'll need to send a message to John. Now let's go to the illustration :-)
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