Sharp range sensors in stock

Posted on 03/05/2010 by vabry
Sharp The Sharp range sensors, GP2Y0A02YK IR and GP2D120 IR, are not that easy to find at the moment but RobotShop has just received a good supply of these components! Hurry up, it's likely to be a gold rush! As a reminder, the GP2Y0A02YK IR is an infrared range sensor, with a distance range of 20 to 150 cm. The continuously measured distance is reported in the form of an analog signal (voltage). Easily connectable with a 3-pin JST connector. GP2Y0A02YK The GP2D120 IR Sharp is an infrared range sensor with a distance range of 4 to 30 cm. (Distance is continuously measured.) GP2D120 The two sensors are unleaded and RoHS compliant.
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