Robot Pets Healthy for Owners

Posted on 22/01/2006 by wcox in Science
It seems to be pretty self-evident that pets are good for their owners. But, what about robot pets? Some scientists at the Center for the Human-Animal Bond at Purdue's Veterinary school say yes, robot pets do benefit humans. Petting an Aibo caused the human stress hormone cortisol to decrese in patients, much like a real dog, although the effects weren't as pronounced. Also,

... [Alex] Beck (the Center's director) sent AIBO to elderly residents in independent living facilities for six weeks and subsequently found they were less depressed and lonely.

In such places where live animals just wouldn't work, robots may be the answer. Similar research is being done in Japan by Dr. Takanori Shibata with a robotic seal named Pero.You can visit the official Pero website here.

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