PhD in Robotics Engineering at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI)

Posted on 09/04/2010 by vabry
WPI Robotics Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) near Boston will be the third university in the US to offer a PhD in Robotics Engineering. In fact, WPI already offers a bachelor's degree in robotics engineering ('baccalauréat' in Canada, 'bachelor' in the US). What's more, it will now be the only one to offer a master's program in robotics engineering (since 2009) as well as a PhD (all three at the same time). We are at the start of a new age of robotics ("We are at the start of a new age of robotics") said WPI's provost. The demand is definitely there and the years to come will witness yet more and more need for human resources in the robotics industry, such as engineers, roboticists, researchers and entrepreneurs. A little like computer science in the 80s and 90s, soon robotics will become the fast track to employment. Robotics Engineering at WPI: For courses currently available in France, see pages 40 to 44 of the magazine Planète Robots no3. For Quebec, see the presentation (French) 'Robotics Experts in Quebec' by Sam Bouchard.
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