Peratech develops electronic skin for robots to experience touch

Posted on 24/02/2010 by vabry in Prototypes
Electronic Robot Skin The firm Peratech, based in North Yorkshire in the United Kingdom, in collaboration with the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA) is taking a step further in humanizing robots. After finding applications for its QTC (quantum tunneling composites) in mobile phones and video games, it is now developing a near-human electronic skin for robots, so they can sense touch. The principle is simple: other than capturing on/off switching, the sensor can also detect and measure any pressure on it to turn it into concrete action. From a more scientific point of view, the electro-active polymers translate the touch force into an electric response. On the practical side, a solid application could be developed with robots that perform daily chores for the elderly. And also for production lines in assembly plants. Let's also imagine designing a humanoid domestic robot with which man might interact via these sensors. QTC
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